- > PIXEYE cameras were honoured with Golden Medal award and diploma on the International Technical Fair Plovdiv
> PIXEYE was ISO9001 certified by AENOR INTERNATIONAL и IQNET (certificate ER-1174/2008).
Network IP cameras PIXEYE

PIXEYE cameras are next generation intelligent IP video devices. The entirely digital way of image processing and transmission allows us to deliver the best possible quality of video. Developed with the latest achievements in the semiconductor technology and most advanced image processing algorithms PIXEYE cameras are high quality, cost effective and future proof videosurveillance platform.
The entirely digital image transmission path keeps the life like quality from the video sensor in the camera to the video server.
The flexibility of the IP networks allows you to distribute the videostream virtually anywhere, where is convenient to be recorded.
PIXEYE integrated systems are suitable for kind and scale of videosurveillance projects - from remote home monitoring via the Internet to complex system with hundreds of cameras and network of recording servers.